Thursday, October 29, 2009

Blah Days

It happens to everyone, and today it happened to me. I am unsure whether it was due to lack of sleep, the heavy steak and cheese sandwich I ate pre-workout or the negative energy that arose as a result of a problem one of my roommates had. Whatever caused it, this has been one of those "blah" days. You simply do not feel like doing anything productive. You just want to eat whatever you want, whenever you want and then, once your gluttonous needs have been met, you just want to climb back into bed and hibernate until next year. You have to constantly remind yourself why you even bother working out, you notice your physical flaws and you ruminate over them. It seems nothing you do will accomplish that goal--the way you want to look and feel.

So, what do I do about "blah" days?

I remind myself of how far I have come in my weight-loss journey. I recall that just over one year ago, I had trouble bending over to tie my own shoes. I remember buying two pairs of 40" waist shorts--the same ones that have to be worn with a belt today because of all the hard work I have put into transforming my body. I tell myself many many times while at the gym that I do not need to lose another 1% body fat right now, this instant; I only need to survive today, to get through my current workout and that I will enjoy the pleasures that await me later--namely a good soak in the hot tub and a good dinner. While I believe this is not the right day-to-day attitude, sometimes it is necessary in order to survive the blah days.

Whenever you have a blah day, just go about business as usual. This is where your mind will prove its worth. Your mental fortitude that you have been reinforcing this whole time will carry you into the next day. Just believe in yourself, realize that you have been advancing towards your goal for a while now and today is no different. Sure, your workout today may be awful and nearly unbearable mentally and your body will probably react to that in some fashion. But it is better than giving up or allowing this to become a pattern. Blah days happen to everyone occasionally--it is part of human nature. We do not change instantaneously. Think of your next blah day as a test of your patience and your dedication. Then assure yourself that you will survive and be stronger tomorrow.

Until then..

1 comment:

  1. There's a theory out there correlating insomnia (or lack of sleep) with appetite. The theory states insomniacs tend to be eat more than those who get enough sleep due to a hormone called leptin. Leptin tells the body when its appetite has been satiated; grehlin, another hormone, tells the body when it is hungry. [Think, "grehlin makes your stomach growl."] The theory is that insomniacs don't have enough time to regenerate the body, so an imbalance occurs with lack of adequate leptin being produced. The theory is in its infant stages, as there has not been enough data collected, but it's interesting to note that perhaps there really is a relationship between sleep and appetite.


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